
The Spoils of an Asian Home-Visit

July 22, 2011
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I have to say:  It’s good to be a white girl with adoptive Asian parents.  They hook me up!

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Green Ramp Biscuits

May 6, 2008
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I’m not sure if the picture does it justice—but those are some GREEN biscuits. As in: not just “Happy St. Patrick’s Day-Green”, but I’m dressed up in sparkly green glasses and wearing a metallic shamrock t-shirt to the New York City’s right-down-the-center-of-Fifth-Avenue St. Patrick’s Day parade -green. Yes, that green!

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Mini Pork Pies

February 12, 2007
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Aren’t they cute? They look like little daisy-flower-faces, don’t they? I’m jumping right back into blogging (yay, finally!) by being a part of February’s “Waiter, there’s something in my….” hosted by Cooksister, The Passionate Cook, and SpittoonExtra. This month’s “something” was pie. Mmmmm, P-I-E! According to the rules put forth, it could be savory, it […]

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Tomato, Fresh Mozzarella and Basil Bruschetta 101

September 14, 2006
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Ok, now I know most of you won’t need such detailed instructions on how to put together a little bruschetta…but I came up with this for Mimi. Mimi, who, when she asked me to write down the recipe, and I said, “No need! It’s so simple, I just throw it together, all you need is […]

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Mushroom Pie

August 30, 2006
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Yes! We finally have pictures! I thought my first actual recipe should be something I haven’t seen online anywhere else. So here, I present to you: Mushroom Pie. I found this recipe in this slim volume: Biscuits and Scones by Elizabeth Alston. I picked it up years ago during a trip to Mystic, CT.

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