August 2006

Update on Visuals!

August 31, 2006

I really did try to get my pictures up on the site tonight—but I seem to be experiencing some technical difficulties….in that my computer isn’t finding my camera, even though it’s hooked up and ready to go…hmmmmmm, what could it be? (Notice how I put aside the fact that my beloved laptop is about 8 […]

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Mushroom Pie

August 30, 2006

Yes! We finally have pictures! I thought my first actual recipe should be something I haven’t seen online anywhere else. So here, I present to you: Mushroom Pie. I found this recipe in this slim volume: Biscuits and Scones by Elizabeth Alston. I picked it up years ago during a trip to Mystic, CT.

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No Bikinis…..

August 28, 2006

Ok. It was the last weekend of August…and it was 67 degrees (tops), cold and rainy here in the big city. Um…how is that fair?

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Made it to the Greenmarket…

August 27, 2006

[Please forgive the lack of accompanying pictures….but I’m just so anxious start, I don’t want to wait until I’m camera ready. I promise to add visuals as soon as I can!] I went down to the Greenmarket at Union Square Friday afternoon. I had hoped to go, but when the day turned out to be […]

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So what’s it going to be?

August 27, 2006

Well, many things I hope! But first and foremost, I am pleased to join the ranks of the Food Blogs! I’m late to the game ( I know, I know…what *have* I been doing with my time???)…but for the past few weeks I’ve been reading (and cooking!) my way through food blog after wonderful food […]

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